Wire Pulling Grips: Standard LittleMule Wire Grips
All models are rated for a variety of wire sizes and types, so fewer grip changes are required. Grips open easily and release instantly to quickly insert or remove wire. Large Handle Eye Opening accepts standard hooks and easily attaches to tackle blocks. Spring-loaded or non-springloaded models available. These grips have forged steel construction which makes them durable and lightweight. The yellow chromate finish protects components from rust and corrosion.
All models are rated for a variety of wire sizes and types, so fewer grip changes are required. Grips open easily and release instantly to quickly insert or remove wire. Large Handle Eye Opening accepts standard hooks and easily attaches to tackle blocks. Spring-loaded or non-springloaded models available. These grips have forged steel construction which makes them durable and lightweight. The yellow chromate finish protects components from rust and corrosion.
All models are rated for a variety of wire sizes and types, so fewer grip changes are required. Grips open easily and release instantly to quickly insert or remove wire. Large Handle Eye Opening accepts standard hooks and easily attaches to tackle blocks. Spring-loaded or non-springloaded models available. These grips have forged steel construction which makes them durable and lightweight. The yellow chromate finish protects components from rust and corrosion.
All models are rated for a variety of wire sizes and types, so fewer grip changes are required. Grips open easily and release instantly to quickly insert or remove wire. Large Handle Eye Opening accepts standard hooks and easily attaches to tackle blocks. Spring-loaded or non-springloaded models available. These grips have forged steel construction which makes them durable and lightweight. The yellow chromate finish protects components from rust and corrosion.
All models are rated for a variety of wire sizes and types, so fewer grip changes are required. Grips open easily and release instantly to quickly insert or remove wire. Large Handle Eye Opening accepts standard hooks and easily attaches to tackle blocks. Spring-loaded or non-springloaded models available. These grips have forged steel construction which makes them durable and lightweight. The yellow chromate finish protects components from rust and corrosion.
All models are rated for a variety of wire sizes and types, so fewer grip changes are required. Grips open easily and release instantly to quickly insert or remove wire. Large Handle Eye Opening accepts standard hooks and easily attaches to tackle blocks. Spring-loaded or non-springloaded models available. These grips have forged steel construction which makes them durable and lightweight. The yellow chromate finish protects components from rust and corrosion.
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